If you want or need to get a GED, but your home state/province requires you to be older than you are at the moment, you can go to a jurisdiction that allows non-residents to write the GED. But many of those jurisdictions require minors to provide extensive paperwork to prove that they are out of school. I have not gone through all of them, but one place is both a fun place to visit and, due to its unique secondary school system, has no problem with the idea of 16-year-old high school graduates.
That jurisdiction is the Canadian province of Quebec. It appears that you need to be a Canadian citizen or legal resident (but maybe not), but if you’re that and 16 years old, you’re in! The question then, is, will your local college accept it?
One GED test centre in Montreal charges $100.
Quebec’s GED rules state:
2a. What is the minimum age for GED® testing (without exceptions)? 16
3a. What is the minimum age for GED® testing? (requires additional documentation) 16
8a. What is the minimum age to receive a GED® credential? 16
9. Is instruction required before testing? No
10. Are candidates required to take the Official GED Practice Test™ (OPT) before testing? No
14. What are all the language editions of GED® tests offered? English and French
18. What is the title of the GED® credential awarded? certificat d’equivalence d’etudes secondaires
(#18 translates to “certificate of secondary studies equivalence”)
23. What is the residency requirement for testing on paper? Resident or Canadian citizen
24. What are the minimum and maximum testing fees for the full GED® test on paper? $0
25. What is the fee to retest on paper? $0
(I find #24 and #25 hard to believe, but you never know)